Focus on the Process...

Focus on the Process...

PROCESS:  /ˈpräˌses/

A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

With the new year fresh upon us, it is symbolic of new beginnings and a deep introspection about where we are currently, and where we want to be in the future. This is usually accompanied by a new set of goals that we commit ourselves to. However, we often become too focused on the goal and its end state, but neglect the journey that it takes to get there.

Focusing on the process while pursuing our goals allows us to savor the journey as much as the destination. It's about relishing the incremental steps, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced along the way. When we immerse ourselves in the process, we cultivate patience, resilience, and a deeper understanding of our craft or objectives. It's akin to laying down each brick with care and precision while building a foundation, ensuring that the structure we create stands strong and sturdy. Embracing the process shifts our perspective from just the outcome to the richness found in the small victories, setbacks turned into learning opportunities, and the continuous evolution that shapes not only our goals but also ourselves.

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